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Procurement and Stores

19 January 2021 | Published in Uncategorised. Read 529 times.

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Procurement Department
Vision for the department
A department of excellence and professionalism
Mission for the department
The mission of the Procurement Department is to provide customers with quality goods and services that add value by meeting their needs and expectations.
Core Values for the department
Members of Staff in Procurement Department will endeavour to adhere to the following Core Values
1) Professionalism in carrying out duties;
2) Integrity in dealing with customers and the stakeholders.
3) Transparency and accountability in service delivery;
4) Equity in dealing with users and suppliers;
In order to accomplish the procurement mandate in accordance with the cited statutory provisions and professional guidelines, the Bomet University College has established a Procurement Department which is expected to execute the procurement mandate and also provide advisory services on procurement to the University College Management and other organs of the University College; and to staff to ensure compliance with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015; Regulations 2020; and other statutory requirements.