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Public Relations Department

19 January 2021 | Published in Uncategorised. Read 1706 times.

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Public Relations (PR) and Branding Unit
The mandate of the Public Relations Unit is to establish and maintain Strategic channels of communication that promote good information flow in the University, hence building mutually beneficial relationships between the University College and its Stakeholders.
The Unit in conjunction with the Public Relations and Branding Committee works has been mandated to devise and implement appropriate PR and branding initiatives to enhance the image and visibility of the university.
The PR Unit supports the University College to achieve its Vision, Mission, Niche and Objectives; through involvement in designing suitable plans and strategies that promote efficient Service Delivery which protect and enhance the University's College corporate governance.
The Roles of the PR Unit include the following:
1) To create and maintain a positive image for BUC and Stakeholders
2) Branding of the University College to enhance visibility
3) Establish and maintain channels of Communication between BUC and its Stakeholders
4) Put in place mechanisms for crisis Management
5) Sensitize Staff on the Citizen Service Delivery Charter
6) Awareness creation initiatives on Complaint handling procedures
7) Put in place mechanisms to ensure Quality Service Delivery and Branding
To function effectively, the Unit has an Administrative Assistant who is in charge of Public Relations and Branding, the Officer is supported by two (2) Committees namely:
i. Compliments and Complaints Handling Committee
ii. Public Relations and Branding Committee.
The Unit is domiciled in the Office of the Principal
The Unit is allocated resources in every Financial Year which enables carrying out Branding activities for the University College.
To maintain quality and consistency in Service Delivery for satisfaction of BUC Stakeholders, the Unit has put in place the following measures:
Public Relations Procedures approved by BUC Council which covers:
1) Process of Official Communication
2) Process on Compliments and Complaints handling
3) Process on Customer care/Satisfaction
4) Marketing
5) Branding
6) Coordination of Meetings
1. Customer feedback boxes and forms
2. Compliment and Complaints Reporting Registers
3. Official email, Line, and online contact us form
4. Quarterly Reports to the Commission on Administrative Justice
5. Quarterly Reports to the BUC Performance Contracting Committee
6. Regular Sensitization of Staff on the Citizen Service Delivery Charter
7. Putting up directional signage for ease of accessing the University College; with more signage waiting for the approval by the County Government of Bomet on where to erect them.
8. The Procurement process for way finding signage within the University College is underway.
9. Procurement of Branding items for the University College is undergoing procurement Process.