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11 January 2021 | Published in Uncategorised. Read 408 times.

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Mr. Simion Korir

Chaplaincy Coordinator

Bomet University College (BUC) recognize, respect and accommodate various religious diversities as part of creativity and social transformation and advancement of humanity in line with its vision and mission. In line with the constitution of Kenya 2010 on the religious freedom and tolerance, Chaplaincy department spear head the integration of the same in the process of teaching and learning of students and staff. In Bomet University College, such active engagement promotes a holistic growth of learners and staff at large and thus contributes immensely to progressive, quality and ethical governance in our communities.
Bomet University College (BUC) Chaplaincy is committed to ensure that the community grows in an all rounded manner, with God at the center of it. It is a home far away from home to all students and staff. In Chaplaincy, we provide spiritual oversight through various community spiritual nurture programs, pastoral care and counseling to both students and members of staff. This is where the BUC community, students and staff, are spiritually nourished, nurtured and mentored. The Chaplaincy comprises four (4) approved and registered strong faith groups, thus, Seventh Day Adventists, Roman Catholic, Muslims and Christian Union. BUC Chaplaincy is involved in spiritual activities ranging from Sacraments, Sunday services, Baptisms and pastoral services as prescribed by the various faith groups.
Through their active participation learners are guided appropriately from their religious perspective to enhance the need to promote peaceful coexistence, promote green economy for sustainability and environmental sustainability in their pluralistic communities. The above also impart a sense of caring and compassion for others coupled with a lifestyle that includes service to others.
Religious practices promote interdisciplinary studies, service learning, interracial interaction and leadership training among others.
Chaplaincy missions and goals in Bomet University College facilitate religious formation of learners, provide worship spaces, help learners integrate faith and learning, foster a commitment to social justice and create community that appreciates diversity. Thus learners are helped to put into action their values, being inspired and forming meaningful relationships with others.

Places of worship are allocated within the university where each of the faith groups meets for fellowship. Occasionally, the entire BUC community hold a joint inter-faith service where all the faith groups participate. The Chaplaincy also runs a program that provides spiritual counseling for students so as to support them on personal and spiritual matters whenever the need arises.
A Chaplaincy is a great space to get the homely feeling. Indeed, those who make good use of the chaplaincy find it an excellent resource. We wish to take this opportunity to welcome you to BUC and also invite you to visit us.

Last modified on Tuesday, 02 February 2021 08:32