- All Library users shall respect all the Rules and Regulations pertaining to the use of the Library.
- Regulations on copy right must be observed. Allowable cited information to avoid plagiarism is at a maximum of 15%.
- All users are responsible for notifying the Library of their latest contact address.
- Smoking, eating, drinking, mobile calls and other unacceptable conducts, which disturb other users are strictly prohibited in the Library.
- Writing on, misuse (watching of movies, pornographic materials etc.), defacing or damaging Library information materials and property is prohibited.
- Installation of any software in the Library computers is prohibited.
- Theft of Library property shall be punishable according to the law of the land and by such other methods as the relevant authorities may decide.
- All Library Users shall comply with fire, security and other safety regulations displayed in the Library.
- Seats and tables in the reading areas shall not be reserved or moved from one place to another.
- Overcoats,hats, bags, equipment and other non-Library materials shall be deposited in the designated area.
- Library Users shall not leave their personal effects in the Library or study carrels.
Penalties and Discipline
- The Head of Library together with other relevant authorities may deny use of the Library facilities to users infringing these Rule and Regulations, pending the decision of BUC Disciplinary Committee.
- Breach of Library Rules and Regulations by staff and students of the University shall be dealt with in accordance with Regulations Governing Staff Disciplinary and the Regulations Governing Students Disciplinary and conduct respectively.
- A daily overdue fine per day for long-loan books and short-loan books shall be levied until the book is returned or declared lost; and be paid for as per the laid down requirements. Since the Library management system is integrated to ERP, payment of overdue fines is paid directly to the Finance Department via institutional Mpesa Pay Bill number.
- The relevant authorities shall have power to suspend or exclude from the use of the Library, any User who persistently disregard Library Rules and Regulations or for any other adequate cause that shall be considered to be in its opinion undesirable.
All Users are required to clear with the Library and must pay for lost Library materials and overdue fines when their membership ceases.