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Fee Structure
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Fee Structure

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These are our revised fees as of January 2016. You can add more styling to the table by using a combination of classes to improve the visual appearance of your table. See the tables page for more information.

Basic fees for the academic year

Year Group Annual Tuition Fee Deposit
Nursery - mornings only 6,000 500
Nursery - afternoon care 650 0
Pre-School 6,250 500
Year 1 to 6 12,500 500
Year 7 to 9 13,000 500
Year 10 14,000 500
Year 11 (IGCSE) 14,500 500
Year 12 & 13 (AS/A2/BTEC) 15,000 500


Year Group Annual Lunch Fee
Nursery - mornings only 800
Nursery - afternoon care 850
Pre-School 850
Year 1 to 6 900
Year 7 to 9 950
Year 10 950
Year 11 (IGCSE) 1,000
Year 12 & 13 (AS/A2/BTEC) 1,150


Deposits are charged once on joining the school but must be topped up if deductions are made for losses or breakages. The deposit (or balance thereof) is refundable at the end of a pupil’s final term following clearance by the headteacher.

Year 11, 12 and 13 fees are billed in two tranches in August in December. Fees for all other years are billed in three tranches in August, December and April.

Important information about school fees

  1. Above Fees indicate costs for Tuition, Lunch, School Transport services, Boarding (where applicable) but do not include Enrolment or any applicable Examinations Fees.
  2. Applications for placement at the school are only processed on the return of a duly completed registration form and on the payment of a non-refundable registration fee of $200. In certain Year Groups where vacancies are limited, a 20% advance payment of the tuition fee is payable against the First Term’s invoice. This advance paymentis not refundable if confirmed places are not taken up.Children who cannot be accommodated immediately are put on a waiting list.

More in this category: « Term Dates Tab Events Layout »


    • Moi University
    • Ministry of Education Science and Technology
    • Kenya Universities And College Central Placement Service
    • ICT Authority
    • Higher Education Loans Board
    • Commission For University Education
    • Kenya Education Network
    • The German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD (German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
    • Inter-University Council For East Africa
    • Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies
    • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
    • Hochschu
    • Kasneb


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