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About Us

Bomet University College is a Constituent College of Moi University established under a Legal Notice Number 145 of 27th July 2017. Bomet University College is the first public University in Bomet County and is strategically placed at the heart of Bomet Town, Bomet County. Its establishment is a step towards realization of a fully-fledged University in line with the government policy to establish at least one University in every County.

Over the years, we’ve been able to grow from a students population of less than 200 to now a population of more than 3,500 sudents.

The first cohort of GSSP students were admitted on 31st August 2016 to Bomet College and over the years the students population has grown to over 3,500. BUC in the initial stages started with five programmes of Moi University and this is envisaged to grow to 11 schools and five centres of research in the next ten years. BUC endeavours to develop creativity and innovation to enable students to fit in the job market, by taking a practical approach to learning emphasizing the element of attachments and field work in training of its students and integrating ICT in their learning.

To be a premier Green University in fostering research excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation for sustainability.

To provide a conducive environment for discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge; to nurture critical inquiry, creativity and engagement for social transformation and advancement of humanity.

Core Values
BUC is a community built upon the valued relationships among students, staff, faculty, the alumni and other stakeholders. At the core of these relationships are our core values that lead to the realization of our corporate culture and good governance. These are: (i) Integrity: Consistency in service delivery through adherence to highest ethical standards. (ii) Patriotism: To render selfless services and unwavering commitment to the University. (iii) Transparency and Accountability: To maintain a culture of openness, fairness, equity, and assume and demonstrate responsibility over our individual and collective actions. (iv) Respect: For diversity and the dignity of the individual, as well as attaching a premium to the contributions of each and every player regardless of one’s status in the University. (v) Commitment: To continuously improve on the quality of the services offered with the goal of assuring longevity and excellence of the University.

As a University Community, we believe in quality, pragmatic teaching, learning, originality, inclusiveness in management, harnessing knowledge and being a multi-disciplinary institution of quality and innovative research for sustainable development. A University dedicated in imparting creative and critical thinking as part of the essential skills needed for living and working successfully in a dynamic society. Also, to participate in the discovery, transmission, preservation, enhancement of knowledge and to stimulate the intellectual participation of students in the economic, sociocultural, scientific and technological development of Kenya and the community of nations.



    • Moi University
    • Ministry of Education Science and Technology
    • Kenya Universities And College Central Placement Service
    • ICT Authority
    • Higher Education Loans Board
    • Commission For University Education
    • Kenya Education Network
    • The German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD (German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
    • Inter-University Council For East Africa
    • Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies
    • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
    • Hochschu
    • Kasneb


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