I warmly welcome you to the Academic and Student Affairs Division of Bomet University College (BUC), and sincerely thank you for visiting our Website. This Division plays host to all students of BUC who are being mentored by highly qualified Faculty. I proudly state that BUC is currently the only University in Kenya that has cut a niche to be a driver of a Green Economy for Sustainability. Accordingly, the Academic Programmes domiciled in BUC, all reflect aspects of the Green Concept.In this Website, you will find information regarding Academic Programmes and other important pieces of information. I therefore encourage you to interact with this Website extensively.This Division is also responsible for Students Affairs as suggested in its name and Research. Therefore, you will find information on a myriad of Student Activities and very innovative endeavors that are going into training of Staff and Research. Our Research Activities are in response to emerging issues, and have helped curtail the effects of our world’s ever metamorphosing problems. Evidently, I have no iota of doubt, that this University is a global leader in driving the Green Economy, which is in line with Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.We currently offer eighteen (18) undergraduate Academic Programmes, Fifty six (56) Postgraduate Programmes, One (1) Postgraduate Diploma and One (1) Diploma Programme organized within Four (4) Schools and One (1) Research Center. For all the undergraduate Academic Programmes, we have two intakes annually; that is May and September. For graduate studies relating to each of the mentioned undergraduate Academic Programmes, our admission is based on needs that emerge from time to time. Accordingly, interested persons are advised to liaise with the respective heads of Academic Departments within respective schools.As we engage with challenges facing higher education globally, we are by choice dedicated to making decisions that strengthen the Division and BUC at large under guidance and auspices of the Principal, create a conducive environment for our students and staff as they pursue new frontiers of knowledge and position themselves for success.Finally, I am grateful to everyone for associating with, and being part of this great University College. May you always know that I do not take your support for granted. To our esteemed visitors, please take a moment to also visit our Schools and Departmental Websites, follow us on Social Media and keep up with all of our activities.
For more information, you may contact us through the E-Mail address; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you. Prof. George Otieno Orwa