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Academic Affairs

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1. Vision
Centre for quality, effective, timely and efficient service delivery that contributes to the achievement of goals and mandate of Bomet University College.
2. Mission
To offer quality, effective, timely and efficient Service which contributes to the achievement of goals and mandate of Bomet University College.
3. Sections in the Office of Registrar (Academic Affairs)
The office of Registrar (Academic Affairs) deals with matters relating to Academic Affairs within the University College. The office coordinates the functions of three sections namely: Admissions and Students Registry, Examinations Section and the Programmes Section.
The Admissions Section deals with students’ admission, management of students’ records and preparation of students’ statistics. The Examinations section deals with coordination of University College examinations and processing of the students transcripts, while the Programmes Section deals with programmes.
4. Functions of the Office of Registrar (Academic Affairs)
The following are the key functions of Office of Registrar (Academic Affairs):
1. Implementation of the University College policies and procedures
2. Management of students’ records
3. Marketing of Academic Programmes offered in the University College
4. Processing of Applications for admission into the University College
5. Admission of students who meet minimum requirements for admission into Academic Programmes of the University College
6. Registration and orientation of new students
7. Processing of requests from students who wish to defer their studies based on satisfactory reasons
8. Co-ordination of University examinations and processing of results
9. Enforcement of Examination Rules and Regulations
10. Provision of secretariat services to the University College Academic Board, Deans Committee etc.



Last modified on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 12:59


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  • Kenya Universities And College Central Placement Service
  • ICT Authority
  • Higher Education Loans Board
  • Commission For University Education
  • Kenya Education Network
  • The German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD (German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
  • Inter-University Council For East Africa
  • Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Hochschu
  • Kasneb


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