Mr Edwinson N Wekesa
Senior Security Officer – Bomet University College
Address: P O Box 701 -20400, Bomet- Kenya, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Edwinson N Wekesa holds a Bachelor Science in Criminology and Security Management (Security Management and loss Prevention) from Dedan Kimathi University of Technology and a Diploma in Security Management from Kenya Institute of Criminal Justice. Certificate in Fraud Management from school of Military Intelligence Britain (MIC), Certificate in Security and Intelligence from school of Military Intelligence (Kenya), Certificate in Record Management and Archive from Technical University of Kenya Edwinson is also a Certified Fraud Management officer. Certified intelligent officer. He is currently the Senior Security Officer of Bomet University College.
Security department is under the office of the Principal. It is headed by a Senior Security Officer who reports to the Principal. The University College operates a hybrid system of security where we have University College security staff and contracted security service provider (Best Africa Security Expert). We both work together to provide safety to lives and property in the University College.
The roles of the department in the University College are;-
• To protect lives and property
• To investigate criminal acts in the University College.
• To gather intelligence reports and advise the University College Management accordingly
• Apprehend offenders in the University College.
• Liaise with Government security agencies on matters of security in the University College.
• Conduct safety training and safety drill in the University College.
• Provide emergency response in case of fires and other disasters
• Maintaining safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, water hydrants and smoke detectors
• Advice the university management on matters of security
University like any other society is not immune to crime. Commonly reported crimes in University are;-
• Theft (stealing) – there is so much theft in University targeting laptops and smart phones. Don’t leave your valuables unattended or in plain view. Ensure that you lock your doors and windows at night when asleep and when you are away.
• Alcohol and substance abuse/ peddling drugs. Please note that students in University are now taking a wide range of drugs in what they call soft form e.g cookies baked from bhang.
• Suicides and attempted suicide
• Assaults/fighting
• Pirating
• Cooking in hostels
• Forgery and making of official documents without authority – banking slips, exam cards, fees receipts, academic transcipts
• Obtaining by false pretences
• Cyber crimes e.g cyber stalking, spoofing etc.
Security and Safety Department
The security and safety department has put in place measures to ensure that Security and Safety of Students, staff and stakeholders is guaranteed at all time, both inside and outside the University College. Some of the key initiatives taken include;
a. Enhancement of the Security Personnel
Bomet University College has permanent BUC security officers assisted by outsourced security Guards who are providing security services. The said team serves to protect Students and Staff of the University College.
b. Institution of Relevant Security Measures
The security and Safety Department has put in place the following measures to ensure that the security of students and staff is taken care which include:
1) Budgeting for standby security vehicle in the Financial Year 2020/2021 budget for patrol and response in case of emergency calls by the students or staff. (Due to Rationalized Budget that will be included in the Budget of 2021/2022)
2) The Department has a hotline number displayed on notice boards and the same number is given to students and staff for emergency calls.
3) Outsourcing of security guards who are trained to carry out security duties and using security equipment for detection and searching at the Main Gate. These Security Guards are able to use the specified equipment, record incidences and perform fire drills when necessary.
4) Securing of the University College premises through fencing which is at 95% for plots numbers 307 and 308 and main Campus. However, for the Sigor Campus, beaconing has been done but fencing will be catered for in the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 Financial Year Budget.
5) CCTV Surveillance cameras are strategically installed at every sensitive and public area to monitor students, staff and any other persons accessing the University College facilities.
6) There is collaboration with the Bomet County Law Enforcement Agencies to provide extra Security whenever such are required.
7) The University College has security lights at strategic points which serve as a deterrent measure.
8) Apart from collaborations with Security Agencies in Bomet County, BUC is at an advanced stage of establishing a Police Post within the University College premises; mainly on plot No. 307 and plot No. 308.
9) BUC is in the process of building a Main Entry Gate, Parking Lot, Access and an Exit Road to enhance movement and adhere to Security Requirements.
10) BUC has Council Approved Security Procedures in place.
Crime will always occur. It does not require hardened offender. Crime requires only an opportunity.