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Uncategorised (40)
Bomet University College Library Services
Official Library Opening & Operating Hours:
• Monday – Friday :- 8:00 a.m – 10:00 p.m
• Saturdays :- 9:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m.
• Sundays : – 1:00 p.m – 5:00 p.m.
Library services
• Circulation services – these include lending and return of information materials
• Reference and referral services
• Bibliographic services
• Electronic services – the library subscribes e-books and e-journals.
• Photocopying services
• Internet services
• User registration and clearance.
Subscribed E-Resources
Cambridge Journals
Subject Strengths: Politics, Linguistics, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Science, and Medicine
Subject Strengths: Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Life and Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
The databases provide access to just over 16,500 abstracted and indexed journals from all branches of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.
Management and library & information services journals. The service also provides access to leading titles in marketing, business disciplines, engineering and materials science.
This database contains articles on: Current Events, Economics, Education, History, Humanities, Literature and Art, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, and more.
Economics, History, Political science, Archeology, African Studies, Music, Art & Art History, Business, Ecology & Botany, Language & Literature, Mathematics & Statistics
Subject strengths:
Articles, Bills, Case Search, Cause List, Legal Notices, Newsletters and many more
Biological Sciences, Medicine, Public Health and Epidemiology, Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Business and Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, Computing and Physics
Area and Ethnic Studies, Art and Architecture, Creative Writing, Education, Film, Theater, and Performing Arts, History, Language and Linguistics, Library Science and Publishing, Literature, Medicine and Health, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Technology, and Mathematics, Social Sciences, Studies by Time Period Women’s Studies, Gender, and Sexuality
Subject Strengths: Humanities, Social Sciences, Scientific, Technical and Medical
Information Science, Interdisciplinary Studies, Language & Literature, Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, Museum, Heritage Studies & Visual Arts, Physical Sciences, Reference & Information Science, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sports, Leisure, Travel & Tourism and Urban Studies
Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Science, Education Engineering, Law Life Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Medicine and Healthcare, Physics and Astronomy, Polymers and Materials Science, Psychology, Social Sciences
Education; Natural Sciences; Social & Human Sciences; Cultural Sciences; Communication & Information; Climate Change; Biodiversity Initiative; Culture of Peace & Non-Violence; Dialogue among Civilizations; Education for Sustainable development; Foresight and Anticipation; Gender Equality; HIV and AIDS; ICT in Education; Africa Least Developed Countries; Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses; Science Education; Small Island Developing States Youth.
Online Books
Anthropology, Business & Economics, Computers & IT, Education, Fine Arts, History, Language & Literature, Law, Life Sciences, Medicine ,Physical Sciences, Psychology, Religion, Social Sciences and Technology.
Open Access Databases
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages.
Subject strengths: Agriculture & Rural Development, Health, Aid Effectiveness, Infrastructure, Climate Change, Labor & Social Protection, Economic Policy & External Debt, Poverty, Education, Private Sector, Energy & Mining, Public Sector, Environment, Science & Technology, Financial Sector, Social Development, Gender; and Urban Development.
East and Central Africa (EAC) Documents and Publications.
The links provides access to Documents and Publications generated within EAC.
This site makes public government data accessible to the people of Kenya. High quality national census data, government expenditure, parliamentary proceedings and public service locations are just a taste of what’s to come. The information here is key to improving transparency, unlocking social and economic value, and building Government in Kenya.
Publications by the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA).
Message from The Principal
It is a great honour for me to be a part of the Bomet University College (BUC) family as its Principal. I take this opportunity of welcoming you all to the BUC’s Website, to also thank you for your interest in this University College, which is a Constituent College of Moi University.
The University College is anchored on its Niche “Green Economy for Sustainability’’; and Motto: “Green University for Sustainability’’
Here, a platform has been provided to enable us interact with you and get to know us as a “Green University for Sustainability’’. In BUC, there are undergraduate as well as postgraduate Academic Programmes offered in four (4) Schools namely; School of Arts and Social Sciences; School of Pure and Applied Sciences; School of Business and Entrepreneurship; and School of Education.
Allow me if you may, to invite you virtually on BUC Website to the respective Schools for detailed information on Academic Programmes; Research Activities; Extension and Outreach. Through Virtual Tour, it will be possible for you to learn about BUC’s Academic and Administrative Staff.
As you will also easily learn, BUC has intentionally created a family of Students and Staff from all over the country, regionally and globally. This means that we have no hesitations while inviting you to join the BUC Community in any ways and capacities, towards attainment of our Institutional Niche; “Green Economy for Sustainability”.
Bomet University College Students and Staff have moved away from their foundational families, in their quest of furthering University Education and Knowledge. We have accordingly put up systems and mechanisms that ensure the comfort of Students, Staff and other Stakeholders at all times, and one needs to feel that they are just moving away from one family context into another.
For the Students in particular, their Peers, Academic and Research Leaders, all form an extended family from whom they can look up to for any guidance, support and help, as they pursue their various career paths towards shaping their lives into professions of their choice.
Undoubtedly, BUC as an institution of Higher Learning has a rich and relatively clear record of achievements. I urge you to take a tour of our Website so that you get a feel of who we are. Just to re-iterate, the University College has highly qualified Academic and Administrative Staff in their respective fields of expertise.
Further, BUC has a robust team that manages various aspects of Student Affairs, which is pivotal to our uniqueness and success. The BUC community therefore provides a variety of experiences that inculcate skills such as leadership and the glocal spirit, which are helpful in the current dynamic world.
Not in any way to demean our other achievements, it is important to mention that the University College has put in place up-to-date ICT infra-structure that enables Blended Learning even in the face of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Pandemic.
As Management of BUC, we are currently empowering Staff and Students to make use of all e-Resources from our Library, and in support of Institutional Niche: Green Economy for Sustainability; there are several endeavours to have e-connections; partnerships and collaborations for most of BUC activities. In this e-Environment, BUC has a Functional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and further enhances our spirit of making our environment Green.
The already implied serenity of BUC, along with relevant Academic curricula; co-curricular and extra-curricular activities obviously shapes the Intellectual, physical and mental growth of our Students and Staff.
Therefore, I seize this chance to assure you, on behalf of the BUC family that we will be of great assistance to you to pursue your objectives of life under the varied social, cultural, economic, safe and secure environment; and make the University family proud of your success and achievements.
Academic Affairs
1. Vision
Centre for quality, effective, timely and efficient service delivery that contributes to the achievement of goals and mandate of Bomet University College.
2. Mission
To offer quality, effective, timely and efficient Service which contributes to the achievement of goals and mandate of Bomet University College.
3. Sections in the Office of Registrar (Academic Affairs)
The office of Registrar (Academic Affairs) deals with matters relating to Academic Affairs within the University College. The office coordinates the functions of three sections namely: Admissions and Students Registry, Examinations Section and the Programmes Section.
The Admissions Section deals with students’ admission, management of students’ records and preparation of students’ statistics. The Examinations section deals with coordination of University College examinations and processing of the students transcripts, while the Programmes Section deals with programmes.
4. Functions of the Office of Registrar (Academic Affairs)
The following are the key functions of Office of Registrar (Academic Affairs):
1. Implementation of the University College policies and procedures
2. Management of students’ records
3. Marketing of Academic Programmes offered in the University College
4. Processing of Applications for admission into the University College
5. Admission of students who meet minimum requirements for admission into Academic Programmes of the University College
6. Registration and orientation of new students
7. Processing of requests from students who wish to defer their studies based on satisfactory reasons
8. Co-ordination of University examinations and processing of results
9. Enforcement of Examination Rules and Regulations
10. Provision of secretariat services to the University College Academic Board, Deans Committee etc.
Legal Department
Legal Unit
The Legal Unit has been established under the Office of the Principal to handle all Legal Matters pertaining to litigation, commercial, conveyance, contracts and memoranda of understanding/agreement from time to time as the University College may deem fit. This is in line with the government directive to public entities regarding handling of legal matters.
The Unit in its mandate is guided by relevant statutory provisions including:
1) The Constitution of Kenya, 2010
2) The Universities Act No 42, 2012 (Revised 2016)
3) The Legal Notice No.145 of 27th July 2017
4) The BUC Master Plan 2018 to 2068
5) Mwongozo Code of Governance
6) The Advocates Act CAP16 (Revised Edition (1989))
7) The Advocates Remuneration Order (Amendment) Order 2014)
8) The Employment Act CAP 226 (Rev. 2010)
9) Public Procurement and Asset Disposals Act, 2015
10) Civil Procedure Act CAP. 21 (Revised 2012(2010))
11) The Industrial Property Act No.3 of 2001
12) Tax Procedures Act No. 29 of 2010
13) The Land Act No.6 of 2012
14) Government Circulars to Institutions
15) Internal Policies and Circulars
The University College had so been working with outsourced legal services during the last Commission of Universities Technical Inspection. The Legal Unit has been on boarded and is currently under the transition phase to attend to all the previous, ongoing and future legal related matters.
The Legal Unit has a mandate to:
1) Act as an Advisory Unit to the University College on legal related matters.
2) Litigate and resort to Alternative Dispute Resolution on matters/disputes pertaining the University College.
3) Handle matters of corporate governance, contractual, Agreements with internal and external persons and conveyance with regards to the University College.
4) Carry out Legal Practice Management under the Legal Unit of Bomet University College.
Internal Audit
Internal Audit Quality Assurance Mechanism
Internal Audit Department was established in August 2018 following the recruitment of an Internal Auditor. The Department has put in place the governing documents including Charters, Work Plans and Policies. The Head of Internal Audit reports functionally to the Audit & Compliance Committee of Council and administratively to the Principal.
i. Vision
To be a preferred advisor unit in partnership with stakeholders delivering professional assurance and consulting services to assist the University College to achieve its mission, strategic planning goals and initiatives in an atmosphere of respect and accountability.
ii. Mission
To enhance and protect institutional value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice and Insight.
iii. Core Values
The Core values of Internal Audit are: Integrity, Objectivity, professionalism, competence and Confidentiality.
1. Roles and Functions of Internal Audit
Internal Audit at BUC is a control tool that helps in the accomplishment of the University’s objective by establishing systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of Risk Management, Controls and Governance Process.
The roles and functions of Internal audit include bringing systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of;
a. Review and evaluate budgetary performance, financial management, transparency and accountability mechanisms and processes in the University College;
b. Have a duty to give reasonable assurance through the Audit and Compliance Committee on the state of risk management, control and governance within the organization
c. Review the effectiveness of the financial and non-financial performance management systems of the University College
d. Review Compliance to laws and Policies.
e. Review the adequacy of the safety and custody of the Institutional assets.
2. Internal Audit Governing Documents
Internal Audit operations are governed by internal and external instruments.
i. Key Legal Instruments –External includes;
1) Constitution of Kenya,2010
2) International Professional Practices Framework(IPPF)
3) Public Financial Management Act,2012
4) Public Finance Management Regulations,2015
5) Mwongozo Code of Governance in Public sector
6) Audit Committee Guidelines Gazette Notice Vol.CXVIII-NO.40
7) Government Policies and Circulars
ii. Key Documents-Internal includes;
1) Internal Audit Charter
2) Audit Committee Charter
3) Internal Policies
4) Internal Audit Manual
5) Internal Audit Risk Based Work Plan
6) Risk Based Audit Procedure manual.
3. Scope of Internal Audit
Internal audit coverage may be extended to all areas of the University College and may include; financial, administrative, academic and other operational activities. The extent and frequency of audit depends on various circumstances such as relative risks associated with the activity, results of previous audit, materiality and adequacy of internal control systems that are in place.
At the beginning of every Financial Year, a flexible Risk-Based Audit Work Plan is prepared to guide the deployment of the limited resources to high risk areas within the institution.
4. Reporting
The Head of Internal Audit is responsible for coordinating internal audit activities in the University College. The Head of Internal Audit reports administratively to the Principal and functionally to the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Council.
Sports and Games
Sport Facilities
In supporting and promoting sports and games, the University College has successfully decommissioned a dumpsite, (work to be completed in phases as per approved budgetary allocations), and set out to level fields that will be used for sporting activities; Tennis, Scrabble, badminton, karate, Chess and table tennis are some of the indoors games that students are currently participating in.
Additionally, there is a Courtyard within the Green Administration Block that is used for long Tennis. The University has an understanding with the County Government of Bomet which allows Bomet University College to use the IAAF Stadium for sporting activities such as football, athletics, Rugby and volleyball.
Plate6.12: Sports field leveling (to be undertaken and completed in phases based on budgetary allocations by Council and Government)
Research Department
Research, Innovation, Extension and Out-reach
Welcome to Bomet University College (BUC) Research, Innovation, Extension and Out-reach (RIEO) Department. In line with BUC’s Vision of being a Premier Green University in Fostering Research Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainability, which is operationalized by amongst others, its Strategic Goal Number 2 of providing a vibrant intellectual climate for quality scientific research, the Department provides a framework for developing research competencies among academic staff and students, conducting research and innovations, establishing institutional linkages and collaborations, enhancing capacity for fundable research, developing policy guidelines for management of research funds and grants, and promoting avenues for high impact research publications and dissemination. RIEO Department endeavors to incorporate the Concept of Green Sustainability in activities that include among others; Research, Conferences, Workshops, Research Proposals Development, Innovations and Research related Outreach/Extension Services. Dr. Tony Okwach Omusonga is the Head of Department, and is assisted by highly skilled researchers drawn from Members of Academic Staff and 3 Research Assistants; namely, Ms. Dinah Wechuli, Ms. Michellina Echwa and Ms. Gwendolyn Wanjiku in conduct of activities of the Department. For more information, please contact us through the email address; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Research Centre and Start-Up Village under construction will support activities that are part of Bomet University College’s mission to provide a conducive environment for discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge; to nurture critical inquiry, creativity and engagement for social transformation and advancement of humanity.
Grant Proposal Writing Training
RIEO Department organized capacity building workshops on grant research proposal writing for Bomet University College (BUC) members of academic staff in December, 2019. These resulted into proposals which were developed jointly between Bomet University College, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology and Busitema University in Uganda and submitted to Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA). Other research workshops for members of academic staff are also scheduled to take place in the Financial Year 2020/2021.
The following table presents a summary of Bomet University College publications realized in the Financial Year 2019/2020 and 2020/2021
S/N |
1 |
Murunga Z.A. ID No.21828304 Indoshi F.C. ID No.7350050 Okwach T. O. ID No.11469935 |
2019 |
Influence of Teacher Related Factors on Students’ Academic Performance in Kiswahili Composition in Public Secondary Schools in Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya |
European Journal of Education Studies 6 (7). ISSN: 2501 – 1111. |
202-219 |
https://oapub.org/edu/index.php/ejes/article/view/2682 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/43ca/794d23e5dcc4ed3f637bbc1afa51551a9d81.pdf |
2 |
Obuya S.O.P. ID No.10035569 Indoshi F.C. ID No.7350050 Okwach T.O. ID No.11469935 |
2019 |
Relationship between Amount of Homework and Performance in Mathematics among Public Day Secondary School Students in Hamisi Sub-County, Kenya |
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation 6 (10). ISSN: 2321–2705 |
221-227 |
https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/221-227.pdf?x49905 |
3 |
Omusonga T. O ID No. 11469935 |
2019 |
Learners’ Assessment Supervision Training Needs of Public Primary School Head Teachers in Bungoma West Sub-County, Kenya |
Journal of Current Research 11 (3). ISSN: 0975-833X |
2655-2664 |
4 |
Opanda, J.A. ID No.10885926 Olel, M. ID No. Okwach, T. ID No.11469935 |
2019 |
The Influence of Personal Attributes on Demand for Bachelor of Education Degree among Non-Graduate Teachers in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya |
MIER Journal of Educational Studies, Trends and Practices 9(1). ISSN: 2319-1945 |
62-71 |
https://www.mierjs.in/ojs/index.php/mjestp/article/view/221/170 |
5 |
Wambua A. Mutheu ID No.20079616 Francis C. Indoshi ID No.7350050 Tonny O. Okwach ID No.11469935 Deborah N. Amukowa ID No.
2019 |
Learners’ Attitude in Teaching and Learning of Kiswahili in Secondary Schools: Challenges and Strategies |
European Journal of Education Studies 6 (8). ISSN: 2501 - 1111 |
28-49 |
https://oapub.org/edu/index.php/ejes/article/view/2711 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/43ca/794d23e5dcc4ed3f637bbc1afa51551a9d81.pdf |
6 |
John M. Momanyi ID No.0400927 Peter K. Rop ID No.21537718
2019 |
Teacher Preparedness for The Implementation of Competency Based Curriculum in Kenya: A Survey of Early Grade Primary School Teachers’ in Bomet East Sub-County |
The Cradle of Knowledge: African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research Volume 7No.1, 2019 ISSN 2304-2885-p, 2617-7315e |
10-15 |
7 |
Joshua K. Kwonyike ID No. John M. Momanyi ID No.0400927 |
2019 |
Strategic Use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Disaster/Crisis Management in Kenya |
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019|ISSN 2454-6186 |
319-323 |
8 |
Richard Rotich ID No. 10545192 |
2020 |
Effects of Reward Management Practices on Employee Retention in Telecommunication Firms in Kenya |
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management (IJECM). ISSN 2348 0386 |
500-526 |
https://ijecm.co.uk/volume viii-issue-2/ |
9 |
Gachara J. ID. NO Mutisya, S.M ID NO. Choge R. ID NO: 10540559 |
2019 |
Effect of Public Secondary Schools Categorization on Students’ Commitment to Democratic Values |
The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies ISSN 2321 – 9203 |
319 - 325. |
https://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/147690/103463 |
10 |
Gachara J. ID. NO Choge R. ID NO: 10540559 Mutisya, S.M ID NO. |
2019 |
Influence of Involvement in Co-Curricular Activities on Students’ Commitment to Democratic Values
International Journal of Innovation, Research and Development DOI NO. 10,24940 Ijiird/2019/V8/8/18/August |
10 – 15 |
11 |
Kipkoech k. ID NO. Choge R. ID NO: 10540559 Tanui E.K ID NO. |
2019 |
Relationship between Principals' Transformational Leadership Style and Secondary School Students' Academic Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Bomet County, Kenya |
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(2), DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.08021 |
402 - 409 |
12 |
Oduor N. Denice Indoshi Francis ID No.7350050 Okwach Tony ID No.11469935 |
2019 |
Assessment of Curriculum-Based Challenges of Teaching History and Government in Secondary Schools in Ugenya Sub-County, Siaya County, Kenya
International Journal of Business and Social Research 9 (5) ISSN: 2164- 2559. |
1-12 |
13 |
Opanda, J.A. ID No.10885926 Olel, M. ID No. Okwach, T. ID No.11469935 |
2020 |
Relationship between Teacher’s Academic Qualification and Pupil’s Academic Performance in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya |
European Journal of Education Studies 6 (12) ISSN: 2501 – 1111 |
41-59 |
14 |
Ogott O. George Tony O. Okwach ID No.11469935 Francis C. Indoshi ID No.7350050
2020 |
Influence of Teacher Attitude towards Instructional Resources on Teacher Effectiveness in Early Years Education Centers |
International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC) Vol. 8 (8). ISSN 2347 -9698 |
pp. 24-31 |
15 |
Ogott O. George Tony O. Okwach ID No.11469935 Francis C. Indoshi ID No.7350050 |
2020 |
Influence of Availability of Instructional Resources on Teacher Effectiveness in Early Years Education Centers |
International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC) Vol. 8 (8). ISSN 2347 -9698 |
pp. 14-22 |
16 |
Opanda, J.A. ID No.10885926 Olel, M. ID No. Okwach, T. ID No.11469935 |
2020 |
Occupational Factors that Influence Demand for Bachelor of Education Degree among Nongraduate Teachers in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya |
American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) e-ISSN:2378-703X Volume-4, Issue-8. |
482-492 |
https://www.ajhssr.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ZZE2048482492.pdf |
17 |
Salome Lulei ID No.10704529 |
August 2020
Teaching And Learning Resources Used In Teaching African Traditional Religion Content In Christian Religious Education In Secondary Schools In Marakwet District, Kenya |
International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) Volume 7 Issue 8, ISSN: 2394-4404 |
pp. 29-31 |
www.ijiras.com |
18 |
Salome Lulley ID No.10704529 |
July - August 2020 |
The methods used in teaching African traditional religious content in Christian religious education in Secondary schools in Marakwet District, Kenya |
International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences Vol. 7, Issue 4, ISSN 2394-9694 |
pp: 29-32 |
www.noveltyjournals.com |
19 |
John KamauNjoroge, John M. Momanyi, ID No. 0400927 and Grace Barno
2020 |
A Paradigm Shift In Kenya’s Education System: A Move From University Degree To Diploma Courses |
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN: 2320–7388, p- ISSN: 2320-737x Volume 10, Issue 4 Ser. IV (Jul. – Aug. 2020) DOI: 10.9790/7388-1004045964 |
pp. 59-64 |
www.iosrjournals.org |
20 |
Richard MaiteSigilai ID NO. 8602145 |
July - August 2020 |
Perceptions of teachers on the prevailing School climate in public Secondary Schools in Kenya |
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning Vol. 7, Issue 4, ISSN 2394-9686 |
pp: 22-32 |
www.noveltyjournals.com |
21 |
Richard MaiteSigilai ID NO. 8602145 |
September 2020 |
A Review of Issues on the Importance of Creating and Sustaining a Positive School Climate to Enhance Academic Excellence in Secondary Schools in Kenya |
World Journal of Innovative Research (WJIR) ISSN: 2454-8236, Volume-9, Issue-3, |
pp. 35-40 |
www.wjir.org |
22 |
Suleiman A. Chembion ID NO. 12488634 |
2020 |
Between Charity and Financing ‘Terror’: The Dilemma of Muslim Charitable Organizations in Kenya.
Muslim Faith Based Organizations and Social Welfare in Africa, ed. H. Weiss. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-030-38307-7. |
pp. 143-168 |
23 |
Mutai Nelly Chelangat ID NO. 27787715 Philip KiprotichBii and Justine RatemoMabati |
2020 |
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)
Effect of Interest Rates Regulations on Loan Provisions: Case Study of Saccos In Kenya
24 |
Justine RatemoMabati Nelly ChelangatMutai ID NO. 27787715 Ratemo Felix Onserio
2020 |
Journal of Finance and Accounting |
Governance and Accountability: The Role of Audit Committee
Mabati, J. R., Onserio, R. F., &Mutai, N. C. (2020). Governance and Accountability: The Role of Audit Committee. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(2), 48-62. |
25 |
Nelly ChelangatMutai ID 27787715 |
2020 |
Effects of collateral requirement on loans provisions: Case study of SACCOs In Kenya
International Journal of Advance Research(IJAR) ISSN: N2320-5407 DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/12071 DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/12071">URL:https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/12071 |
781-786 |
www.journalijar.com |
26 |
HellenJepchirchirMettoh |
2020 |
Students’ Perception of School Rules and Regulations as a Quest for Good Governance. A Case Study of a Peri-Urban Mixed Secondary School in North-RiftKenya |
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue X, October 2020|ISSN 2454-6186 |
pp 86-93 |
www.rsisinternational.org |
27 |
Winnie C. Cherorot and John M. Momanyi |
2020 |
The Role of Teaching History and Government inFostering National Cohesion and Integration inKenya: Opportunities and Challenges |
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue X, October 2020|ISSN 2454-6186 |
pp 500 -505 |
www.rsisinternational.org |
28 |
John M. Momanyi and Erastus W. Muchimuti |
2020 |
Towards Achieving Quality Education in Kenya: Safeguarding Sustainable Free Day Secondary Education |
Journal of Education and PracticeVol.11, No.33, 2020. ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) |
pp 51-55 |
www.iiste.org |
29 |
Roselyter Monchari Riang’a, Anne Kisaka Nangulu and Jacqueline E. W. Broerse |
2020 |
Implementation Fidelity of Nutritional Counseling, Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation Guidelines and Associated Challenges in Rural Uasin Gishu County Kenya |
BMC Nutrition (2020) 6:78 |
Funded Research Projects
The following table presents a summary of BUC funded research projects.
No. |
Collaborators & Institution |
Research Title of Project |
Funding period |
Donor |
Funding Amount (KSH) |
1 |
Bomet University and Bomet County |
Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Socio-Cultural, Educational and Economic Well Being of the Residents of Bomet County |
6 months |
Bomet County |
Ksh.13m |
2 |
BBVA Edu Finance Research Grant |
Effects of Financial Literacy on Sustainable Entrepreneurship among the Youths
12 months |
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) Center of Financial Education and Capability. |
€ 5,000 |
Proposals Submitted for Funding
The following table presents a summary of proposals developed and submitted for funding by BUC.
No. |
Collaborators & Institution |
Research Title of Project |
Funding period |
Donor |
Funding Amount |
1. |
Bomet University College, JOUST, Kaimosi Friends University College, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (Kakamega), Kakamega County and Tenwek Hospital |
Cancer Mitigation through Organic Indigenous Vegetables Production in the Lake Region of Kenya
2019/2020 |
National Research Fund |
Ksh. 50 Million |
2. |
Bomet University College |
Leveraging on Digital Platforms by SME’S: The Missing Links |
2020/2021 |
Facebook.org |
Ksh. 9,982,390 |
3. |
Bomet University College |
The crisis of remote learning among institutions of higher learning in Kenya a consequence of user preparedness or maintenance of the digital infrastructure
2020/2021 |
Ford Foundation SLOAN Foundation Mozilla Open Society Foundation |
$50,000 |
4. |
Bomet University College Makerere University C.K Tedam University of Ghana |
Increasing Access to Quality Education through Watoto Kumi Model in Rural and Marginalized Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa
2020/2021 |
CA$1.20M |
5 |
Bomet University College Kabarak University |
Strengthening parental involvement to effectively impact on student achievement across all secondary schools in Rift Valley Region, Kenya |
2020/2021 |
Spencer Foundation |
$25,000 |
6 |
Bomet University College |
Mediating Conflicts and Claims in Interfaith Marriages in Kenya’s Legal Plurality Context |
2020/2021 |
Bomet University College |
Ksh. 1,537,690 |
7 |
Bomet University College |
Evaluating Effectiveness of Pre-Service Teacher Education Curricula for Bomet University College, Kenya |
2020/2021 |
Bomet University College |
Ksh. 1,300,000 |
Signed Research Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs)
In May, 2020, Bomet University College and the County Government of Bomet signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which aimed at identifying areas where BUC and the County Government could partner in the COVID-19 Pandemic Research. The MoU also aimed at identifying challenges within the County that can be turned into opportunities through Research. The Project was funded at the tune of Ksh. 13 Million and is under implementation.
International Conference and Open Day
The 1st Bomet University College International Conference and Open Day are set to be held in Financial Year 2020/2021 having previously been postponed due to Covid-19 Pandemic.
Uptake of the Allocated Research Fund
Bomet University established a Research Fund (BUCRF) for various activities in the institution. In Financial Year 2019/2020, Kes. 1.6 Million was allocated for research. The beneficiaries were Tutorial Fellows allocated Ksh. 200,000 each to undertake research under Mentorship of Academic and Research Leaders. In the Financial Year 2020/2021, distribution of the allocation of research fund is in progress.
Postgraduate Studies
Bomet University College considers postgraduate studies as the nerve-centre of its dynamic growth and development because it is through postgraduate studies that Lecturers and Professors are produced. At the same time, the university considers postgraduate studies as a major avenue of promoting research and innovation not only for the institution, but also for the country and international community at large. To this end, the University promotes and encourages postgraduate studies through prudent recruitment, effective teaching, supervision and research, and completion of postgraduate studies within the stipulated time. To achieve these tasks, the University College has set Rules and Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies and established a Postgraduate Studies Department under the Academic and Student Affairs Division.
a) Eligibility for Postgraduate Studies
Bomet University College admits students from accredited universities internationally.
I. Eligibility for the Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
Applicants for the Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) must be:
i) Holders of a degree of Moi University or any other recognized university.
ii) Holders of qualifications considered by the Senate to be equivalent to a university degree.
iii) In addition to the above, applicants should normally have at least one year of experience in relevant government, private or non-governmental service.
II. Eligibility for the Master Degree
i. The following shall normally be eligible to register for the Master’s degree:
1. Holders of at least second class Bachelors degree of Moi University.
2. Holders of a first degree from an accredited university and recognized by Moi University Senate as equivalent to (i)above.
3. Holders of a first degree with a ‘PASS’ shall normally be admitted if they have a postgraduate diploma in the relevant field.
ii. In addition, to producing evidence of eligibility for registration, candidates for the Master’s degree shall normally be required to appear for an interview by the various Schools so as to determine their suitability for registration. A written test might also be given, at the discretion of the Department.
iii. Subject to the approval of Senate, Departments, through their respective School Committees, and with the recommendations of GSC, may formulate regulations requiring applicants to have attained certain academic or equivalent qualifications, which are consistent with the goals of their Masters programmes.
III. Eligibility for Admission into PhD Programmes
To qualify for admission into a PhD programme, a candidate shall normally be a:
i) Holder of a Bachelor’s degree
ii) Holder of a Master's degree of Moi University in the relevant field, or
iii) Holder of a relevant Master's degree of any other University recognized by Moi University Senate, or
iv) Holder of other qualifications considered by MU Senate as equivalent to a relevant Master’s degree.
b) Postgraduate Programmes
The postgraduate programmes provided are enhanced in imparting creative and critical thinking as part of the essential skills needed for living and working successfully in a dynamic society.
The Department is also guided by the Rules and Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies Policy as approved by Bomet University College Council.
The following postgraduate programmes have been submitted for Approval by Moi University Senate. After Senate Representatives Inspected and Evaluated Facilities and Resources available to support the Academic Programmes for launching in the four (4) Schools, details of Academic Programmes requested for are as follows:
1) Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Studies
2) Doctor of Philosophy in Religion
3) Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy
4) Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
5) Doctor of Philosophy in History
6) Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
7) Doctor of Philosophy in Literature
8) Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science and Public Administration
9) Doctor of Philosophy in Geography
10) Doctor of Philosophy in Kiswahili
11) Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
12) Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology
13) Master of Philosophy in Communication Studies
14) Master of Arts in Religious Studies
15) Master of Arts in Linguistics
16) Master of Arts in Literature
17) Master of Arts in Medical Anthropology
18) Master of Arts in Philosophy
19) Master of Arts in Theatre
20) Master of Arts (Economics)
21) Master of Arts in Gender Studies & Development
22) Master of Arts in Public Administration and Policy
23) Master of Arts in History
24) Master of Arts
25) Master of Arts in Geography
26) Master of Arts in Kiswahili (Translation, Linguistics, Literature)
27) Master of Arts in Sociology
28) Master of Arts in Anthropology
29) Master of Science in Counseling Psychology
1) Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology
2) Doctor of Philosophy in Language Education (English/Literature/Kiswahili)
3) Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Communication and Technology
4) Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy Education
5) Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Development
6) Doctor of Philosophy in Social Education and Ethics
7) Doctor of Philosophy in History Education
8) Master of Education in Educational Psychology
9) Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling
10) Master of Education in Educational Administration
11) Master of Education in Language Education (English/Kiswahili)
12) Master of Education in History Education
13) Master of Education in Curriculum Studies
14) Master of Education in Philosophy of Education
15) Postgraduate Diploma in Education
1) Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management
2) Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics
3) Master of Business Management (MBM)
4) Master of Business Administration
5) Master of Science in Agricultural Economics and Resource Management
6) Master of Science (Project Planning & Management)
1) Doctor of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry
2) Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics
3) Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics or Epidemiology
4) Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry
5) Master of Science Epidemiology & Biostatistics
6) Master of Science in Pure Mathematics
7) Master of Science in Public Health