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Annual Work Plan for Financial Year 2022/2023

Annual Work Plan for Financial Year 2022/2023
Postgraduate Studies, Partnerships and Linkages


Key Activities

Expected Output

Performance Indicators

Resources Needed

Budget if Any(Ksh)

Time Frame





Establish linkages with two (2) institutions

Write to two institutions and seek collaboration.


Establish two MOUs with institutions


Two MOUs

Internet connectivity


Venue for meetings





Improve the University College’s Webometric Ranking

Develop content about the Department of PPL


Submit the developed content to ICT for uploading to the university website

Visibility of the department and postgraduate programmes offered by BUC

Content uploaded on BUC website

Moi University / BUC statutes


BUC Strategic Plan





Revise the postgraduate application form

Revise the application form and submit to CoDs and CAB for consideration and approval

Updated application form that captures all the required/relevant information

Revised application form

Current application form





Prepare a procedure for appointment of postgraduate supervisors

Develop a procedure for appointment of postgraduate supervisors and submit to CoDs and CAB for consideration and approval

An established procedure for appointment of supervisors

A procedure for appointment of supervisors

Moi University/ BUC statutes


BUC Strategic Plan





Provide advisory services to postgraduate students and staff through two (2) meetings or email correspondence

Organize for meetings with postgraduate students and staff


Write to postgraduate students to give advisory as requested.

Inform postgraduate students and staff on matters postgraduate

Minutes of meetings


Correspondences (emails or/and memos)

Postgraduate academic programmes




Process postgraduate applications

Write to Deans/CoD to process postgraduate applications


Prepare reports for presentation to CoDs and CAB

Timely admission of postgraduate students




Maintains applicable records and database for postgraduate students

Keep records of postgraduate application forms and related correspondences

A filing system

Filed records






Address and resolve public complaints referred directly or channelled through the Department of PPL

Respond to all complaints channelled to PPL

Timely response to all complaints




Promote use of blended learning and use of e- library resources in the teaching of postgraduate programmes

Write to HoDs to use and provide evidence of blended learning and use of e- library resources


Collate evidence of blended learning and use of e library resources

Enhanced online teaching


Use of current references in teaching

Email correspondences


Memo(s) to HoDs








Initiate postgraduate colloquiums at School levels

Memo to school deans


Meeting with postgraduate students

Documentation of ongoing research initiatives by postgraduate students

Record of ongoing research projects by postgraduate students

Minutes of meetings







    • Moi University
    • Ministry of Education Science and Technology
    • Kenya Universities And College Central Placement Service
    • ICT Authority
    • Higher Education Loans Board
    • Commission For University Education
    • Kenya Education Network
    • The German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD (German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
    • Inter-University Council For East Africa
    • Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies
    • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
    • Hochschu
    • Kasneb


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