school and education

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Message From The Head

Dr Recha

Welcome to the Department of Quality Assurance and Data Management (QADM). This is a department that has an overarching mandate of initiating, coordinating and monitoring academic quality assurance activities in the university college. The era of globalization and internationalization require development of strategies that ensure comparable degrees and transferability of educational achievements. Within East Africa, the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) has regionalized Quality Assurance to demonstrate and assure quality and standards of higher education. In Kenya, the Commission for University Education (CUE), in its Strategic Plan of 2024-2028, has committed to enhance quality university education and promotion of relevant education, research, and community outreach. According to CUE, these will be achieved through the development of a Quality Index and Relevance Index. It is within this context the BUC has established the Department of Quality Assurance and Data Management to aid in the promotion of a culture of excellence by observing professional tenets of teaching, learning and training. The Department is committed to the development of Institutional Quality Assurance framework that guides quality teaching and relevant research. We shall be engaging various sections and units within the academic division in collecting and maintaining up-to-date date. The consequence of this shall be evidence-based decision-making by the various organs of the university college.
We welcome feedback or clarification on our services.


    • Moi University
    • Ministry of Education Science and Technology
    • Kenya Universities And College Central Placement Service
    • ICT Authority
    • Higher Education Loans Board
    • Commission For University Education
    • Kenya Education Network
    • The German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD (German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
    • Inter-University Council For East Africa
    • Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies
    • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
    • Hochschu
    • Kasneb


    Talk to us
